O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, pour down the Holy Spirit upon our country. Revive Thy work amongst us. Increase true religion in the land, and especially in our own parish. Touch the hearts of the careless, the thoughtless, and the unbelieving. Show them their sin, their guilt, and their danger. Stir them up to think, and grant them repentance. May thousands this year seek Christ, believe, and be saved. Arouse the hearts of all true Christians. Fill them with true zeal for Thy glory, and for the spread of the Gospel. May they be more holy, more charitable, and more diligent in trying to do good. May they pray much and often.
Pour down the Holy Spirit upon me. Let me not be deceived about the state of my own soul. If I am not yet converted, convert me without delay. Create in me a new heart. Show me what I am. Show me what Thou art. Show me Christ. Teach me to pray. Let me not die in my sins. If I am converted, give me more grace. Lead me on. Build me up. Stablish me. Strengthen me. Perfect me. Increase my faith, and hope, and love. Grant that I may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pour down the Holy Spirit upon all ministers of the Gospel. Make them more zealous and more faithful. May Christ be preached this year more fully, freely, and affectionately, than He has ever been yet preached in our country.
Pour down the Holy Spirit upon all congregations. May there be more life, earnestness, and fervor in all our religious assemblies. May hearers of the Gospel this year always meet together really desiring a blessing, and always go home to pray.
Pour down the Holy Spirit upon all ranks and classes – upon the rich and upon the poor, upon the old and upon the young. May there be less Sabbath-breaking, and drunkenness, and worldliness, and covetousness, and pride, and formality, and self-righteousness in the land this year. May there be more thinking, praying, Bible reading, holy living, and diligence in the use of means of grace. May we all feel more deeply the value of our own souls, and care more for the souls of others.
Gracious Lord, deal not with us according to our sins. We confess with shame that we are a sinful, proud, ungrateful nation. But spare us according to Thy mercy. Pour down the Holy Spirit upon us. Revive Thy work and make us a nation fearing God and working righteousness. We ask all for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.