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£ 20 pounds a month helps us to foster a child

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£ 20 pounds a month helps us to put a child in school.

1: Come for a three week mission bring  yourself and youth group to join us. We will teach you about mission and give you hands on experience.
2: Become a prayer secretary in your country for the mission.
3: Be a fundraiser for the mission. 
4: Be a fulltime missionary with us.
Contact Rev Jason Burns if you want to help at

Prayer Points
Please pray for the  following

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1: Pray for more helpers in Africa and around the world.
2:Pray for land we have bought so we can build foster homes, church and mission station.
3: Pray for the church plants to grow.
4: Pray we have mini busses to do the work.
5:Prayer for children and youth to grow in Christ.

£ 30 pounds a month we can pay a Pastor.
£5000 per year to start a church plant( Buying land putting up building)

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£15 pounds a month we can buy rice, oil and food stuff for one family.

You can give monthly on Patreon.

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£1000 pounds we can put on a large crusade in a village or Town.

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For £20 pounds a month we can provide five Bibles in the native language. A gift of £1000 pounds can provide a whole village with Bibles.


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 For £50 a month we can help a village with medical assistance..


For £30 pounds a month we can support an evangelist on the mission field.

£2000 for a motorbike so the evangelist can travel from village to village.

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With church planting , youth work and evangelism we need good transport.

To run a mini Bus for the year costs £5000.

To buy a mini bus £35.000

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If we are going to reach the whole of Africa we need a mission base. We have bought land and need to build a church, foster home, mission houses and college. This will be the mission headquarters , this is going to cost £200.000.We cannot hope to move forward without a mission base. 


Click on the above picture if you are led by the Lord to give. God bless you for your obedience. 


We are an Evangelical mission society .

Lets Risk It All.

We will Die In Our Devotion.

My name is Jason Burns. I'm a British missionary from Uk married to Dorcas a Ghanaian.My home town is Oldham i'm well known in Manchester and Uk for street preaching and debating at speakers corner.Me and my wife have been doing mission in Ghana now for 6 years. We desire only to preach the gospel and teach people the word of God. We are supported by individuals from across the world. Without your prayers and support we could not have done the work. We thank the Lord for His faithfulness and we keep trusting Him to guide and provide for us. God bless.



Contact Details

Ghana Office : 233 5008529767

/ 233 205157335

Uk Office: 01616439767

If you want to write to us:

Rev Jason Burns


Kaneshie- Accra



email :


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