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Free Downloads

THRU the BIBLE is pleased to offer free audio downloads. With the confidence that God's Word will accomplish His will in people's lives, we believe God will continue to provide the financial means to keep Dr. McGee's Bible studies free to all who want them.

You are welcome to duplicate and distribute these audio programs—no permission is needed from THRU the BIBLE. However, as part of our Copyright Policy, we ask that you also provide them for free to others.

Download Instructions

  1. Choose a book of the Bible below and click on it.

  2. Your web browser will begin to download a zipped folder to your computer's download destination folder (e.g., My Downloads, Recent Downloads, etc.). 

  3. Once the download is complete, you will need to unzip the folder and then you can begin listening on your desktop or transfer the files to MP3 compatible devices.

For help unzipping a folder, you can try right-clicking and choosing "uncompress" or "unzip." There are also tools to support this (MicrosoftApple). 


THRU the BIBLE Study

Get on the Bible Bus with Dr. McGee and go through the whole Bible at your own pace. Please note that larger files may take a while to download.

Guidelines for Understanding Scripture (49 mb)

The Old Testament 

 Genesis (260 mb)
 Ecclesiastes (50.7 mb)

 Exodus (161 mb)
 Song of Solomon (54 mb)

 Leviticus (145 mb)
 Isaiah (212 mb)

 Numbers (82.8 mb)
 Jeremiah (91.1 mb)

 Deuteronomy (90.7 mb)
 Lamentations (14.9 mb)

 Joshua (58.5 mb)
 Ezekiel (105 mb)

 Judges (49.6 mb)
 Daniel (119 mb)

 Ruth (29 mb)
 Hosea (64 mb)

 1 Samuel (75.4 mb)
 Joel (33 mb)

 2 Samuel (62.8 mb)
 Amos (60.6 mb)

 1 Kings (59.3 mb)
 Obadiah (20.7 mb)

 2 Kings (65.2 mb)
 Jonah (45.4)

 1 Chronicles (52 mb)
 Micah (69.2)

 2 Chronicles (73.8 mb)
 Nahum (32.6 mb)

 Ezra (29.9 mb)
 Habakkuk (40 mb)

 Nehemiah (51.4 mb)
 Zephaniah (28 mb)

 Esther (43.1 mb)
 Haggai (33.8 mb)

 Job (97.5 mb)
 Zechariah (133 mb)

 Psalms (240 mb)
 Malachi (59.4 mb)

 Proverbs (139 mb)

The New Testament

 Matthew (178 mb)
 1 Timothy (51 mb)

 Mark (90.4 mb)
 2 Timothy (34.3 mb)

 Luke (134 mb)
 Titus (19.9 mb)

 John (178 mb)
 Philemon (4.6 mb)

 Acts (156 mb)
 Hebrews (174 mb)

 Romans (164 mb)
 James (67.6 mb)

 1 Corinthians (107 mb)
 1 Peter (60.8 mb)

 2 Corinthians (83.4 mb)
 2 Peter (55.1 mb)

 Galatians (83.3 mb)
 1 John (102 mb)

 Ephesians (125 mb)
 2 John (19.3 mb)

 Philippians (75.5 mb)
 3 John (15.3 mb)

 Colossians (48.2 mb)
 Jude (48.3 mb)

 1 Thessalonians (59.5 mb)
 Revelation (281 mb)

2 Thessalonians (25.8 mb)

For additional programs by THRU the BIBLE, please visit our Programs page.

Get Dr. McGee's Notes & Outlines all in one volume, called "Briefing the Bible," here.

You may need to download Adobe's Reader before being able to view and print out the Notes & Outlines. Download and install it on your computer for free.

Dr. McGee's Book-by-Book Notes & Outlines for the Five-Year Bible Study

Start here with Guidelines for Understanding Scripture            Genesis  Matthew

 Exodus  Mark

 Leviticus  Luke

 Numbers  John

 Deuteronomy  Acts


 Judges  1 & 2 Corinthians

 Ruth  Galatians

 1 & 2 Samuel

 1 & 2 Kings

 1 & 2 Chronicles

 1 Thessalonians

 Nehemiah  2 Thessalonians

 1 Timothy

 Job  2 Timothy

 Psalms  Titus

 Proverbs  Philemon


 Song of Solomon  James

 Isaiah  1 Peter

 2 Peter

 Lamentations  1 John

 Ezekiel  2 John

 Daniel  3 John


 Joel  Revelation











The Notes & Outlines are also available in Braille. Help us get the word out about these resources—tell a friend!You are free to copy and distribute these Notes ​& Outlines with our blessing (no permission is needed). But please, never charge for them. If you have any questions about how these free materials may be used, please read our Copyright Policy.


We are an Evangelical mission society .

Lets Risk It All.

We will Die In Our Devotion.

My name is Jason Burns. I'm a British missionary from Uk married to Dorcas a Ghanaian.My home town is Oldham i'm well known in Manchester and Uk for street preaching and debating at speakers corner.Me and my wife have been doing mission in Ghana now for 6 years. We desire only to preach the gospel and teach people the word of God. We are supported by individuals from across the world. Without your prayers and support we could not have done the work. We thank the Lord for His faithfulness and we keep trusting Him to guide and provide for us. God bless.



Contact Details

Ghana Office : 233 5008529767

/ 233 205157335

Uk Office: 01616439767

If you want to write to us:

Rev Jason Burns


Kaneshie- Accra



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