Without Borders

Dr. Bahnsen is chiefly noted for his seminal contribution to the field of apologetics, but he was also a thinker of considerable breadth. He integrated historic Reformed theology, traditional covenant theology, and Christian philosophy into a comprehensive world-and-life view.
Explore the Library
Rousas John Rushdoony (April 25, 1916 – February 8, 2001) was an American Calvinist philosopher, historian, and theologian. He is credited as being the father of Christian Reconstructionism and an inspiration for the modern Christian homeschool movement.
click on picture it will take you to his lectures.
Cornelius Van Til (May 3, 1895 – April 17, 1987) was a Dutch-American reformed philosopher and theologian, who is credited as being the originator of modern presuppositional apologetics.
Philosophy and Apologetics (12-Part MP3 Lecture Series)
Philosophy and Apologetics #01: The New Evangelicalism
Philosophy and Apologetics #02: Greek Philosophy #1
Philosophy and Apologetics #03: Greek Philosophy #2
Philosophy and Apologetics #04: Church Fathers #1
Philosophy and Apologetics #05: Church Fathers #2
Philosophy and Apologetics #06: St. Augustine
Philosophy and Apologetics #07: The Middle Ages
Philosophy and Apologetics #08: Modern Philosophy Before Kant
Philosophy and Apologetics #09: Immanuel Kant
Philosophy and Apologetics #10: Modern Philosophy After Kant
Philosophy and Apologetics #11: Karl Barth #1
Philosophy and Apologetics #12: Karl Barth #2
Click on the above picture for more lectures by Vantil
Francis A. Schaeffer
Marking the Watershed
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer
The Abolition of Truth and Morality
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer
The Mark of the Christian How should we show the world that we are Christians?
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer
The Lord's Work in the Lord's Way
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer
Is Propositional Revelation Nonsense?
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer
The Great Evangelical Disaster: What Has Happened To America?
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer
What about Those Who Have Never Heard of Jesus?
Web Page by Francis A Schaeffer