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For God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Begotton Son

  Africa Without Borders

What We Do

We are radical missionaries for Christ seeking to bring the gospel of grace and the love of God to the   African nations .


Africa Without Borders was founded by Rev Jason and Dorcas Burns to reach Africa for Christ and  to make disciples of all African nations. We are involved in training Pastors ,children's ministry, youth ministry and evangelism.


The Youth ministry is expanding fast as we are seeing more and more African girls join . My wife Dorcas Burns runs this ministry and she has been teaching the youth the Bible 3 times a week and teaching practical life skills.

Sold Out For Jesus

Just as the missionaries of China Inland Mission gave their lives for Christ so we at African Without Borders seek to live by faith and lay down our lives for the gospel.


6  Years on The Mission Field In Ghana Now Moving To Malawi.

We have reached thousands with the word of God

Dear brothers and sisters me and Dorcas want to thankyou all for the faithful support you have given us over the 6 years as missionaries in Ghana. Without your help we could not have reached the many people and children with the gospel and Gods word. Over the 6 years we fostered four children, started a Bible College and trained 30 to 40 Pastors, we did missions to all the main universities, gave thousands of Bibles to young people and folks in the villages, we helped support and encourage many churches and ministries. By Gods grace we supplied many children with food and clothes for school and helped many in poverty. But for six years we have also been planning to start a work in Malawi. That means we are now in transition. I'm in Uk raising funds for the mission in Malawi , Dorcas is in Ghana packing and getting ready to join me in Malawi. Why are we going to Malawi? There are many Pastors that want us to go and start a Bible College. The Christians in the South have few Bibles and they are struggling with famine. The Muslims are causing them problems as they steal people from the churches by giving food. The Pastors in the South are having a hard time no food for them or the churches. We believe God is calling us to help them. Every donation you make is being saved for the Malawi mission. When I arrive in Malawi in November this year your support will be used to buy food for the Pastors and Churches , also we will buy Bibles also. We are so grateful for the help you have given us and we give God all the glory. God bless you all.

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We are an Evangelical mission society .

Lets Risk It All.

We will Die In Our Devotion.

My name is Jason Burns. I'm a British missionary from Uk married to Dorcas a Ghanaian.My home town is Oldham i'm well known in Manchester and Uk for street preaching and debating at speakers corner.Me and my wife have been doing mission in Ghana now for 6 years. We desire only to preach the gospel and teach people the word of God. We are supported by individuals from across the world. Without your prayers and support we could not have done the work. We thank the Lord for His faithfulness and we keep trusting Him to guide and provide for us. God bless.



Contact Details

Ghana Office : 233 5008529767

/ 233 205157335

Uk Office: 01616439767

If you want to write to us:

Rev Jason Burns


Kaneshie- Accra



email :


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